ABC *** Ankara BJJ Club *** ABC

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Classes start 18 September unless you read otherwise right here!!!

My car was down this week and I will be out of town Saturday the 15th, so rather than have one class and then postpone for a week, we start next Tuesday the 18th.

Same location, 1800. Look forward to seeing you there.

If you are new, please send an email prior to showing up on a Tuesday or Thursday. I do not always make it on those evenings unless I know for sure someone is coming. Saturdays are almost always on, unless I send an email. If you are contemplating coming to class, use the form to send me information. I can add you to our list for updates.

Welcome to the Ankara Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Club. A small club, growing in membership and experience as we practice the practical and gentle art of persuasion. UP CLOSE AND PERSONAL!!!!

Come and study a practical form of self-defense, sort of 3D game of physical chess. There are no strikes or kicks, just good old fashioned arm-bending, leg locks and chokes. Ladies, this a great way to get yourself out of an uncomfortable situation.

We have a new student who has studied elsewhere. He is very good and a welcome addition to the club. We will begin again with basic techniques, such as the guard/ passing the guard, sweeps and armbars, beginning this Saturday

We still plan to have a visitor at some point in the future. A black belt who can provide us some expertise far above my level.

If you are new, please send an email prior to showing up on a Tuesday or Thursday. I do not always make it on those evenings unless I know for sure someone is coming. Saturdays are almost always on, unless I send an email. If you are contemplating coming to class, use the form to send me information. I can add you to our list for updates.

It is all about practice. If you practice, Technique - Control - Speed in that order you will get better - faster.

Check back once a week. I will continue to post updates and changes.